Light gray shaker kitchen cabinets with a small, decorative island with a built-in bookcase, green walls, and a neutral tile backsplashLight gray shaker kitchen cabinets with a small, decorative island with a built-in bookcase, green walls, and a neutral tile backsplash
Dayton Urban Stone kitchen cabinets

Light gray shaker kitchen cabinets with a small, decorative island with a built-in bookcase, green walls, and a neutral tile backsplashLight gray shaker kitchen cabinets with a small, decorative island with a built-in bookcase, green walls, and a neutral tile backsplash
Dayton Urban Stone kitchen cabinets
Light gray shaker kitchen cabinets with a small, decorative island with a built-in bookcase, green walls, and a neutral tile backsplashLight gray shaker kitchen cabinets with a small, decorative island with a built-in bookcase, green walls, and a neutral tile backsplash
Dayton Urban Stone kitchen cabinets

Light gray shaker kitchen cabinets with a small, decorative island with a built-in bookcase, green walls, and a neutral tile backsplashLight gray shaker kitchen cabinets with a small, decorative island with a built-in bookcase, green walls, and a neutral tile backsplash
Dayton Urban Stone kitchen cabinets